Saturday, September 16, 2006

Conclusion prononcee par Hikmat Beyhum

Conclusion prononcee le 20 Juin 2005 au Salon Pourpre du Senat, au Dejeuner-Conference "Le congres arabe de Paris (Juin 1913) a la Societe de Geographie " en presence des Ambassadeurs d'Egypte, de la Palestine, du Soudan, de la Syrie, du Liban a l'Unesco, des Charges d'Affaires et Representants des Ambassades de l'Arabie Saoudite, de la Jordanie, du Liban, du Maroc, de la Mauritanie, et de la Tunisie, ainsi que le Representant du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la France, Directeur d'Egypte-Levant. Nous a aussi honore de sa presence Monsieur le Maire de Paris VI .

Discours du Professeur Dominique Chevallier

Extrait du discours de l'eminemt Professeur Dominique Chevallier, Professeur emerite a la Sorbonne d'histoire et de civilisation contemporaines du Monde arabe, prononce au Salon Pourpre du Senat a Paris, le 20 Juin 2005

Friday, September 15, 2006

H.E. Prime Minister Goran Persson

Wiesenthal Center slammed Sweden's plans to host an international aid conference for Lebanon as " discriminatory " , and accused the Swedish Government of " exclusion and discrimination "

Wiesenthal claims its mission is, quote : " ...confronting antisemitism, hate and terrorism, promoting human rights and dignity, standing with Israel, defending the safety of Jews worldwide, and teaching the lessons of the Holocaust for future generations..."

- Who can find that by helping Lebanon, Sweden , the Swedish people and Sweden's Prime

Minister are guilty of " antisemitism " ?

- Who can find that Sweden is promoting " hate and terrorism " ?

- Who can accuse Sweden of abusing " human rights and dignity " ?

- Who can accuse the Government of Sweden and its Prime Minister of putting at risk the

" safety of Jews " ?

Wiesenthal Center is a tool in the hands of the criminal zionists, who have a record - second to none - of atrocities against Palestinians, British Officers & Soldiers, and innocent law-abiding Jews who refuse to join the zionist organization. The Honourable Rabbis Ysroel WEISS ,

Ahron COHEN and their fellow Rabbis and members of " Neturei Karta " "

have the facts, the proof and the truth . The Ministries of Foreigh Affairs archives around the world have documented the massacres and atrocities of the zionists.

Dr. Jamil Beyhum 1887 - 1978

He worked for fairness to all Lebanese, their welfare and their unity. He believed in a secular form of government , as such his friends & companions in his patriotic struggle are numerous, they are from all the mosaic of sects in Lebanon and the rest of the Arab World, to name but few of the Christians, I would like to start with Gibran Khalil Gibran, Amine Rihani, Mikhaiil Naiymi,

Gibran Tueni (father of Ghassan Tueni) , Dr. Fares El-Khoury, Emile Lahoud (M.P & Minister) ,

Dr. Georges Hanna, Pierre Edde, Antoine Tabet, Emile Ghoury, and another great man

Dr. Clovis Maksoud , I could go on and on and on . I hope this generation of ours can take an example of the team work of our parents and grand parents, irrespective of their religious faith.

Jamil Beyhum helped schooling youths Moslems and Christians alike.

Jamil Beyhum participated in funding the construction of a church in the village of Kmatiyeh

Abdallah Beyhum's invitees celebrate President Khoury's election

Abdallah Beyhum, Prime Minister for the third time, celebrates the victory of his Friend Sheikh Bechara El-Khoury, elected President of Lebanon on the 21st September 1943 , he invites a great number of dignitaries to a lavish luncheon the following day; this in itself is a historical event, being the first official function held in Lebanon with a democratically elected President proclaiming the Independance of Lebanon.

Muhieddine Beyhum & Negib Beyhum

Muhieddine Beyhum

- Relinquishes his emoluments as President of Beirut Municipality to subsidize the less well off


- Pays from his own funds the taxes due by the less fortunate Taxpayers.

Negib Beyhum

At the age of ninety, pays a visit to Pope Leon XIII in Rome; a fruitful thirty minutes audience.

Feel free to leave comments or questions

You're welcome to leave comments or questions .

About Me

" Beyhum " is a Lebanese family; the spelling of the name "Beyhum" in books, magazines, newspapers and search engines has been altered by its authors probably to take into account the pronunciation as best appropriate to the Country of publication.   For a maximum coverage, any interested person may wish to go to the search engine(s)  of his/her choice and look for the following:   Beyhum   bayhum   beyhoum  bayhom  beiham  beyhom beyum bayhoum bayhum baihoum beihom beihum   These are 2 examples of variations in the spelling:  Abdallah Beyhum is also spelled  Abdullah Bayhum, and Omar Beyhum also spelled Omar Beyhoum, Omar Bayhum, Umar Bayhum . We are unable to trace in all certainty the origin of the Beyhum family prior to the mid-eighth century AD, what is certain is that we took part in the conquest of Spain; our ancestors accompanied " Emir Abd al-Rahman I " in the conquest as notables and politicians. In 1310 AD they left Spain and headed to Beirut.